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ABCMenuMan Product FAQ

If your question is not answered here, and was not answered in our standard FAQ, please feel free to submit a question to our support staff at with this product name in the SUBJECT header.

This is a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for the ABCMenuMan product. Please read through ALL the questions until you find what you are looking for. If it is not listed here, then we will be more than happy to help you with your question.

How do I speed up the animation/it seems to be slow?
How do I make my page open up in a frame?
How do I change colours?
How do I get the menu items to not stay hilighted and get frames to work?
How do I get rid of the testing locally message while testing locally?
All I get is a solid blue (or other colour). How do I fix this?



How do I speed up the animation/it seems to be slow?

  • Make sure you have the numFrames parameter set correctly. numFrames is used for the number of animations in the MENU, NOT the number of frames and/or menu items. If you wish to change the number of menu items you have, set the numItems. I.e.,
    <param name=numFrames value="8">
    <param name=numItems value="A NUMBER YOU PUT HERE">
  • Also -- if you do NOT want sound -- remove the parameter for sound. DO NOT do something like
    <param name=playsound value="*"> or "no sound" -- REMOVE the parameter.
    If you are running UNIX, please note that it is CASE SENSITIVE (i.e., 'UPPERCASE' versus 'lowercase' makes a difference in the name of the file. So "CLICK.AU" and "" would be two entirely different files).

How do I make my page open up in a frame?

Make sure you have the 'FRAMELINKx' and 'LINKx' parameters set correctly. LINKx (where x is the current menu item) refers your website link (i.e., main_page.htm). The FRAMELINKx is the frame you want that menu item to open in.

Also -- MAKE SURE your frame name is set correctly. I.e., if your 'right frame' in named 'rightframe', then make sure the FRAMELINKx parameters are equal to 'rightframe'. I.e.,
<param name="framelink1" value="rightframe">.

If you need more details on how to use frames in general, please do a web search because they can cover frames comprehensively.

How do I change colours?

If you wish to change the ACTUAL BACKGROUND of the menu when loaded (aside from the loading and font colours, that are covered in the documentation) do the following.

You will need to use some graphics software (a very good piece of software is called 'Paint Shop PRO'). Simply open the menu.gif file, and then fill the top menu item with whatever colour you want. If you need further instructions on how to do a 'fill', please refer to the graphics editor documentation.

How do I get the menu items to not stay hilighted and get frames to work?

Make sure the files are running from your website for the website that the license key was issued for.

How do I get rid of the testing locally message while testing locally?

The 'testing locally' message appears while you are testing locally (just on your computer). As soon as you upload the software to your website, the message will disappear.

All I get is a solid blue (or other colour). How do I fix this?

If this happens, it means you have forgotten to copy the menu.gif (or whichever menu file) you are using to your directory. Make sure this file is in the same directory as the .class file, any sound files, and your HTML page in order to work. Also -- if you changed the parameter for the .gif file (such as menu_1.gif), make sure you have copied this other menu file to your directory.

(C) Wyka-Warzecha, All Rights Reserved.