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Easy Ordering Information!

Creditcard payment is handled by RegSoft. They are secure, safe and easy to use, and your privacy is kept safe. Wyka-Warzecha does not see your creditcard information, and RegSoft uses it just to process your order.

When you click the 'Buy Now!' button -- you will be taken to an form page first, where you can fill in the particulars (of how you want it customized, what text you wish, etc), and then will be redirected to an order page. You will then be asked on a SECURE page to fill in credit card information, and finally taken to a confirmation screen.

We will then receive payment confirmation from RegSoft, and then begin customization work on your FlashKit. Turnaround will usually be between 24-48 hours, and e-mail you a .zip file with your customized FlashKit. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by sending an email to

Be sure to also read our FAQ.